Upon receiving enemy attacks: 8% (18%) chance to deploy 2 shields that can each block up to 10 shells (shields last for 12s). It's a complex maze of RNG and minimal stat boosts. When assigned as the Staff Cat: increases the AVI and RLD of your CVs and CVLs by a small (actually moderate) amount based on the Command stat. Every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Once per battle, when a Royal Navy ship in your fleet takes DMG that would sink her: that DMG is negated, that ship recovers 1% (3%) of her max HP, and she evades all attacks for 3s. Every 20s: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). This ship deals 40% (60%) more damage with each aimed shot from its main guns. The barrage has a 70% chance to inflict a special burn DoT, which reduces Firepower, Torpedo, and Aviation stats by 5% for burning enemies. If this ship is NOT in the frontmost position, increase this ship's critical damage by 15% (25%), and every 15s, 40% (70%) chance to fire a special barrage (damage scales with skill level). Two CVs/CVLs: Launch fighters and dive bombers. When this ship fires her Torpedoes: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage and executes a slashing attack. Increases this ship's equipped torpedo DMG dealt by 5% (15%) and increases her DMG dealt to DDs and Torpedo Ships by 5% (15%). As long as this ship is afloat, increase FP, EVA, and ASW stats for all DDs in your fleet by 5% (15%). For each CV or CVL in the same fleet as this ship, increase this ship's damage dealt to enemy DDs and CLs by 4% (10%). When this buff wears off, 40% (70%) chance to launch a TBF Avenger plane barrage (barrage damage scales with skill level). For every 2 enemies this ship sinks: increases this ship's AA by 1% (10%) for the duration of the battle (can be stacked up to 3 times). When Staff Cat increase TRP for all SS ship girls in the assigned fleet. During sortie, increases own Torpedo critical hit chance by 10% (30%). Increases your Vanguard's TRP by 5% (15%) (does not stack with other "Torpedo Command" skills). This cat will boost a cruiser heavy front-line to another level. When this ship launches an airstrike: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 0.5% (5%) until the battle ends (can be stacked up to 3 times) and launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). Meowfficers assigned to the submarine fleet also gain the same amount of experience as the surface fleet when they are called in. Changes this ship's torpedoes to parallel spread. While this ship is inside a smokescreen: decreases this ship's SPD by 8, and increases DMG dealt by 4.5% (12%); while this ship is not inside a smokescreen: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 4.5% (12%). When the battle starts: increases this ship's FP and ACC by 5% (15%) and, if there are any other Northern Parliament ships in your fleet, decreases this ship's cannon DMG taken by 1% (10%). When firing Main Guns: 50% (80%) chance to fire a special barrage. Increases this ship's EVA by 5% (20%). While this ship is afloat: increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 5% (15%) and decreases the torpedo DMG your Vanguard takes by 5% (20%). When this ship fires its Main Guns: 45% (75%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). To make the most of Justice your fleet needs at least 1 destroyer in it's composition. While equipped as Staff Cat, increase Torpedo of all submarines in the equipped fleet by a small amount based on Command stat. The only real exception to any of this is the submarine cats. 5s after this ship fires its Main Guns: fires a randomly chosen Lv.1 (Lv.10) barrage using special ammo. When this ship is attacked, increases own Reload by 30% (50%) for 8s. The first time each battle the max number of stacks is reached: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 4.5% (12%) and improves this ship's "All Out Assault" skill until the battle ends. Increases this ship's FP by 1% (10%). When this ship's HP falls below 45% as a result of DMG taken: decreases this ship's Burn DMG taken by 5% (15%) while below this threshold. Increases this ship's AA by 5% (15%). When the lead ship of the assigned fleet is a destroyer who's HP is above 0 Fire a Meowfficer Barrage I when the destroyer approaches an enemy ship for the first time. When fighting humanoid Siren fleets or Boss fleets: increases this ship's FP and ACC by 5% (8%). Every 5s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special shell and, with a 20% chance, increases this ship's EVA by 30% (60%) for 8s (special shell DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's TRP stat; EVA buff does not stack). While equipped as Staff Cat, increase Torpedo of all DD in the equipped fleet by a moderate amount based on Support stat. However, from the second Cat Box per day onward, you will need to spend 1500 to obtain each Cat Box. 5s after the battle starts, and every 30s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Every 20s: 40% (70%) chance to spawn 3 rotating shields (lasts 10s; can block up to 10 enemy shells each). Each Meowfficer stat contributes a share of the effective Increase Anti-Air of cruisers in the same fleet by 5% (15%). Anti-Air (AA) you want the cat with the highest Tactics. The first airstrike will also contain extra torpedo bombers. These gained talent points can be used to select new skills or used to upgrade existing skills. When this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the DMG of your Vanguard by 5% (15%) for 8s. This skill has a 12s cooldown between activations. Wonderful Commander Cat if you're running a Royal Navy fleet. CL, CA, or CB: increases FP by 3.5% (8%); BB, BC, or BBV: increases ACC by 3.5% (8%); any other hull classification: increases AA by 3.5% (8%). 277.78 The extra boosts provided by this cat's skills become stronger as this cat levels up. Every 20s, 15% (30%) chance to evade all incoming attacks for 6s. (5s cooldown, starts on cooldown). Every 20s (10s) after the battle starts: restores 1% of this ship's max HP. Does not stack with other Command skills with similar effect. When the assigned fleet contains a CV or a CVL and begins a battle with a non-boss enemy fleet 15% chance of launching an airstrike at the start of battle. Every 40s (every 20s), fire a special barrage targeting the enemy farthest away from this ship. If this ship is equipped with Iron Blood gear: increases this ship's FP by an additional 1% (5%) and decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken from Torpedoes by 5%; Otherwise, instead decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken from aircraft by 3.5% (8%). 10s after the battle starts and every 20s after that: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level), and, for 8s, tanks 30% of the rest of your Vanguard's DMG taken while decreasing it by 10% (20%). Changes this ship's Torpedo Spread Angle and, 10s after the battle starts, when this ship fires her torpedoes: 50% (100%) chance to fire another wave of torpedoes and increase this ship's EVA by 15% for 6s (10s cooldown between activations). Increases own Evasion by 3 (12), and reduces torpedo damage taken by self by 5% (20%). While there are other ships afloat in your Vanguard: increases your Vanguard's FP and Accuracy by 4% (10%). 15% chance to launch a preemptive torpedo strike when engaging any non-Boss fleet on the map. Timestamps: Show. If you have a Lime you don't need this cat, it's outclassed and less restrictive. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue When this ship fires its Main Guns: 40% (70%) chance to fire an improved special barrage. When this ship fires its Main Guns: 20% (40%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on skill's level). Decrease the loading time of this ship's first main gun salvo by 85%. Every 20s: this ship performs super A.I. When the battle starts: your fleet gains 10 AP, all ships in your fleet recover 1.5% (5%) of their max HP, and all your "Atelier Ryza" collab characters recover an additional 2% of their max HP. When alive in fleet, reduce damage taken by allied aircraft carriers and light aircraft carriers by 5% (15%). Barrage Enhanced - Close preview (gif). For the first 60s of the battle, increase this ship's FP stat and its damage against Light Armor enemies by 5% (15%). When this ship takes DMG: increases this ship's AA and EVA by 0.5% (5%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). Azur Lane Tier List: Kinds of Ships When preparing for the game's main mode, players can organize two fleets consisting of a front row (Vanguard) and a back row, with three slots available in each row. Whenever a boat in your Submarine Fleet sinks an enemy ship: increases Ryuuhou's DMG by 1% (3.5%) (can be stacked up to 6 times). When this effect successfully activates: the ship in your Vanguard with the lowest percentage HP remaining recovers 1.5% of her max HP; if the recipient of this effect is any Sakura Empire ship: increases that ship's and Nagara's AA by 1% (10%) for 5s (if Nagara herself is the recipient only applies once to self). Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). These are poor choices if you want to build a fleet that would carry you through the games endgame content. If sortied with any Eagle Union ship: increases own Main Gun's critical rate by 20% (40%), and own Firepower and Torpedo stat by 8% (20%). These barrages always fire from your Flagship position. Increases the DMG your BBs, BCs, and BBVs deal by a small amount based on the Tactics stat. Meowfficers are companions that you can assign to your fleets in the fleet composition screen. Every 30s: spawns 4 rotating shields that absorb 8 shots each; lasts 5s (15s). Increases damage dealt to Heavy Cruisers by 5% (15%). When Staff Cat 15% chance to launch a preemptive battleship main gun salvo when fighting any non-boss enemy fleet as long as you have one BB, BC, or BBV ship in the assigned fleet. When this ship gains a stack of Wood Element: activates "Wild Growth" Lv.1 (Lv.10) (DMG is based on the skill's level; 5s cooldown between activations). Azur Lane is a charming mix of side-scrolling shooting and RPG with a sprinkle of gacha elements on top. Decreases equipped Main Gun Spread by 3. At the start of the battle: fires a special barrage and spawns Snezhinka, a summon which fights for 20 (50)s and inflicts a 5% aircraft DMG taken debuff to all enemies it hits 10 times (its DMG dealt and active duration is based on the skill's level). When this ship's Anti-Air Guns fire: increases this ship's EVA by 5% (15%) and decreases her aircraft DMG taken by 5% (15%) for 8s (this effect can only activate once every 20s). Additionally, increases this ship's Crit Rate by 1% (10%), and increases her damage against Heavy Armor enemies by 5% (15%). If the cat you have has learned talents you deem suitable, then now we can talk about how to earn more talent points. The player must navigate their ships to destroy enemies and obstacles while mitigating damage on their side. Does not stack with other command skills that have similar effect. Decreases the duration of Burns inflicted on this ship by 3s. 5s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: spawns a special summon (lasts 15s; inflicts a unique Burn ailment to enemies) and decreases the ACC of all enemies by 10% (20%) for 5s. Every 15s: fires two Lv.1 (Lv.10) precise shots, inflicting a special Armor Break status on enemies hit for 10s (DMG is based on this skill's level); When an enemy enters the defensive range, triggers a Lv.1 (Lv.10) barrage with a 5s cooldown (DMG is based on this skill's level). When this boat enters the battle: decreases the Speed of a random ship in your Main Fleet by 1 for 1s, then heals said ship for 100 HP and increases her Accuracy by 3.5% (8%) for 20s. stat A total of max 10 cats can be in training at the same time. Increases this ship's DMG dealt with her first 2 airstrikes by 10% (20%) each battle. Increases this boat's OXY by 2 (20). The shield blocks up to 5 torpedoes and lasts for up to 10s. Obnoxious Carpet Bombing: Drops 24 light bombs in the general area of the target. Increase damage dealt to Light Cruisers by 5% (15%). If this ship has Cargo equipped: decreases this ship's Burn duration by 3s and decreases her and your Dragon Empery CVs' and CVLs' Burn DMG taken by 5% (15%). When firing Main Gun: 20% (50%) chance to fire a special barrage (damage is based on skill level). Lets discuss each tier one by one. Increases this ship's EVA by 5% (15%). The barriers can absorb up to 5% (10%) of this ship's max HP and last for 8s. 10s after the battle starts: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on this ship's TRP stat and the skill's level); every 15s after that: increases this ship's ACC by 8% (can be stacked up to 3 times) and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on this ship's FP stat and the skill level). When this ship takes DMG: 15% chance to increase this ship's FP, EVA, and AA by 1% (5%) until the end of the battle (Effect can be stacked up to 3 times). = When this ship uses an AP Main Gun: increases this ship's FP by 1% (5%), RLD by 5% (15%), and increases its Main Gun Crit Rate by 5% (20%). Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 20%, activate both of the following buffs: Every 15s: 15% (30%) chance to deploy a smokescreen that increases Evasion Rate by 20% (40%) for all your ships in it (smokescreen lasts 5s; Evasion Rate buff does not stack with other smokescreen skills). Barrage preview (gif) Every time this shield is deployed as a result of this skill: increases this ship's FP by 10% (20%) for 10s. For each Iron Blood ship in the same fleet: increases this ship's AVI by 1% (5%) (can be stacked up to 3 times); if there are 4 or more Iron Blood ships in the same fleet: reduces the time needed for your Iron Blood CVs and CVLs to reload their first 3 Airstrikes by 1% (10%). I'm not here to limit your choices and pick out the only correct talents each cat can have. If the target is. Increase AVI by 1% (10%) for all CVs/CVLs in your fleet, and increase their hit rate against Destroyers, Light Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers by 1% (10%). Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 35% from being attacked: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) barrage that heals this ship for 8% of the DMG dealt (which is based on the skill's level). If so, then our latest Azur Lane Tier List might be just what you need! When equipped with a CL gun in the secondary slot, increase its detection range and shooting range to 65 (90), but decrease its damage dealt by 35%. Increase submarine hunting range level by 1. They travel at half the speed of a standard Normal shell, but can home in on targets within a range of 25 units. View Mobile Site Follow on IG . If there is any other Dragon Empery ship in your fleet: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 1% (10%). When this ship's HP falls below 30% (70%): increases this ship's DMG by up to 15% (35%), depending on its remaining HP. After this effect activates: spawns a Lv.1 (Lv.10) summon that explodes, dealing DMG to enemies (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AVI stat). Reduces the Dispersion of equipped main gun by 0.5 (5). Provides 1 Missile Strike charge. While equipped as Staff Cat and Flagship is a BB, BC or BBV, increase Accuracy of all submarines in the equipped fleet by a moderate amount based on Command stat. If this ship is afloat and ANOTHER fleet in the same sortie engages in its third, fourth, or fifth battle, fire a special barrage 15s into the start of that battle (damage scales with skill level). (-2.5% per 100 stat) (Unlisted effect: Also increases their RLD by a moderate amount.). "Small": 0.4% bonus per 100 Meowfficer stat. Every 20s, calls in air support plane (damage scales with Torpedo stat and skill level). Increases this ship's max Detection Gauge value by 15 and decreases her DMG taken from aircraft by 4% (10%). Decreases the loading time of this ship's first Airstrike by 10% (30%). There you have it - every ultra and super rare ship ranked in our Azur Lane tier list. After reaching 5 stacks, this ship gains 5 Speed and fire a special barrage (30s cooldown when activated and DMG is based on the skill's level). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Increases this ship's EVA and ACC by 5% (15%). If this ship is equipped with a high-caliber main gun (280mm or higher), increase this ship's main gun efficiency by 4.5% (12%). The barrage has a 70% chance to inflict a special burn DoT, which reduces Firepower, Torpedo, and Aviation stats by 5% for burning enemies. At the beginning of battle, if there are other ships afloat in the vanguard fleet, increases this ship's Crit Rate by 5% (20%). When sortied as Flagship: increases Firepower and Reload of all allied Sakura Empire (IJN) ships by 5% (20%). Increases this ship's DMG dealt with HE ammo by 15% (25%) and increases her Burn Rate against enemies by 1.2% (3%). If equipped with a Main Gun in own Secondary Weapon slot: increases Anti-Air Gun Efficiency by 5% (15%). This ship's main gun can be fired twice per reload cycle, and each salvo can be fired independently. During battle, increases own Air Power, Anti-Air, and Reload by 1% (5%) per allied Ironblood ship in the fleet. : Increases Aviation by 4.5% (12%). During battle, when a surface ship in your fleet recovers more than 5% of her max HP in one activation: restores 1% (5%) of this ship's max HP and fires a Lv. If your Flagship or Vanguard lead ship is a Northern Parliament ship: grants this ship the full stack of 3 regardless of the number of ships in your Vanguard. When a ship in your Vanguard rams into an enemy: decreases that ship's DMG taken by 15% (25%) and increases your Vanguard's FP and ACC by 1% (10%) for 10s (does not stack; repeat activations only refresh the buff's duration). Increase the crit rate of main guns, torpedoes, and aircraft by 4% (20%), and reload by 4.5% (12%) for. Every 20s: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage with a special Swordfish airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level) that reduces AA of enemies hit by 8% for 5s, and increases the DMG dealt by destroyers and Royal Navy Vanguard ships by 1% (10%) for 8s. In Operation Siren, this barrage is limited to the third and fourth battle instead (not the fifth). Ships with this status: If this ship has a Dive Bomber equipped in her second gear slot: Your Yorktown-class and Essex-class CVs gain the following effects during battle: Every 18s after the battle starts: 50% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and decreases this ship's Detection Gauge value by 2 once a second for 5s. The experience granted depends on the following: Each Meowfficer has three stats: Support (aka Logistics), Directives (aka Command), and Tactics. For 10s, increases your Main Fleet's DMG dealt by 4% (10%) and decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken by 4% (10%). Increases this ship's DMG dealt to enemies hit by this barrage's slash attack by 1% (10%) and decreases this ship's cannon and torpedo DMG taken from those enemies by 1% (10%). Any excess experience gained from using books will roll over to the next level advancement. When fighting humanoid Siren fleets or Boss fleets: reduces the DMG taken by your Vanguard by 2% (6%). While equipped as Staff Cat, increase Evasion of all submarines in the equipped fleet by a moderate amount based on Command stat. Decreases the loading time of this ship's first 2 Main Gun salvo by 30% (50%) every battle. When this ship enters the battle, and every 20s after that: performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special attack that slows enemies hit by 40% for 6s (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship lands 5 consecutive main gun hits on the same enemy, increase this ship's FP by 1.0% (5.0%) until the end of the battle. The skill can be activated up to 6 times each battle. During a sortie, whenever the fleet this ship is in sinks an enemy fleet: increase this ship's AA and EVA by 5.0% (can be stacked up to 3 times). Spend your first talent point on a new skill and then look at the new skill options if you're not happy with those options you will only need to pay enough gold to have the first talent point refunded. Canguro moves forward a set distance and deploys sea mines (sea mines inflict Flooding to enemies that touch them, continuously dealing DMG for 24s; Flooding DMG is based on this boat's TRP stat; Flooding cannot stack), then returns to this boat. Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 5% (15%). Every 8s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Decrease this ship's DMG taken by 5% (15%). Increase this ship's FP and Accuracy by 5% (15%). Has incredible synergy with Lime, the other Royal Navy SSR cat. Decreases the Speed of all enemies by 15% (30%) for 4s. 70% and 30% of max HP: increases own Firepower by 4% (10%) and decreases damage taken by self by 4% (10%). When Command Cat and in battle with an enemy main fleet increase accuracy and evasion for CL, CA, and CB ship girls in the assigned fleet for the first 30 seconds after the battle begins. Increases Reload of cruisers in the fleet by 5% (15%). When own torpedoes hit a target: 7% (17%) chance to increase Torpedo damage dealt to targeted enemy ship by 20% (40%) for 8s (Effect does not overlap). When the assigned fleet contains only 1 CV or CVL ship girl increase the reload speed of of the first airstrike by 8% and increase the number of torpedo bombers in that first airstrike. 3s after the battle starts, and every 15s: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike using two seaplanes (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's FP stat). When sortieing as Lead Ship, own main gun efficiency is increased by 5% (20%) and Anti-Air gun efficiency is decreased by 30%. If you summon subs in combat then be sure to bring this cat along in the Staff Cat position. At the start of the battle. When firing main gun: 35% (65%) chance to fire a special barrage (damage is based on skill level). When this ship sinks: 1) Outside of an Exercise, restores 15% (25%) max HP to all other ships in your fleet; 2) During an Exercise: this ship instead will not sink, and restores 15% (25%) max HP to all ships in your fleet (can only activate once per battle; if the Eagle Union Elite Damage Control is also equipped, the effects from this skill take precedence). : launches an airstrike: increases Anti-Air gun Efficiency by 5 % ( 10 % ) fleet when are... A range of 25 units decrease this ship fires her Torpedoes: fires a Lv.1 ( Lv.10 special... ( not the fifth ) damage on their side increase this ship 's FP and Accuracy by 4 % 15! These gained talent points restores 1 % of this ship 's EVA by 5 % 50... First main gun in own Secondary Weapon slot: increases the DMG your BBs,,. Guns: fires a Lv.1 ( Lv.10 ) special barrage ( DMG is based on the map cat! 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