The good news is, they rapidly die off. I know I am not supposed to make a "pet" of this owl, but we love having it as a guest. There are 13 White Pelicans on our lake here. Thanks! I am new to the county. ( little Big Econ River State Park ) Also have watched bird hunting in pastures near river low lands. Saul, I was just browsing and found this "Kid Free Adult Camp" infowhich has already passed. We live in a subdivision with a 40 acre lake. It's now 3 days ago and I'm experiencing some nausea. Developers And Road Construction Is Destroying Florida. I've had the best luck here in Polk County about 30 minutes after sunset, near shoreline vegetation, after (or during) a rainy day - but not a day where it poured all day. - If you have questions about this, consider reading this publication: or shooting me an email with some questions. However, Ill share some thought I have, below: In fact, in some cases, bottled water may simply be tap water (from one or more cities) but packaged and sold. Awesome! Hi Gary, You should wait until the fronds are completely brown and dead before pruning them. "An IGR labeled for the control of aquatic midges contains (S)- Methoprene and is sold in pellets. Hi Marvin, Hello Dana, Hi Frank, I know we start seeing them in FL in mid-November. A company which installs water circulators and fountains performed an "analysis" suggesting that these deep areas are a problem due to low dissolved oxygen and that installing water circulators in these areas would alleviate the midge problem. I had a great time. You can search for specific types of plants, site conditions and even for butterfly plants. For information on where to purchase fingerlings, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has a list of known hatcheries who sell fingerlings for stocking private ponds: If you have questions about properly stocking the pond, please call your regional FWC office at the numbers provided here: I would refer you to this article on gylphosate and remind you that it is very important to read all labels on pest control products. Great horned owls are very territorial during nesting season, so it makes sense that they would stay nearby if they were going to nest soon. Do they use pesticides in the grass? You may also have heard me mention an organic crabgrass killer on the program, and the good news is that AgraLawn Crabgrass Control also has a label for basketgrass. Shirley, This is wonderful! The blind mosquitoes can certainly be a big problem here in Florida, so I understand the uncomfortable situation you're in. At this time I am not aware of upcoming dates and would expect it to be fall before our presentation updates are finished. As a reminder, the beetles will never eradicate the vine. The Tall coconut trees that are heavily laden with nuts should be lighted up prior to storm season. by Anne Yasalonis Some things still being offered are last year. Owl nesting boxes tend to be much larger than your average store-bought birdhouse but are also, pretty simple in design. We will update first on eventbrite, and then on facebook, when more events like this are available. They are so majestic, love to see them come each year. Pat, If it is a pH test that we are doing in the office, it should take 3-5 business days. Girl I'm with you. Here are the instructions from FDACS: I typically do not recommend treating pondweed as it is a very beneficial native plant. Hi Frank, It's possible that over time, the lone white pelican you're seeing may join their ranks. What I can say is that many species spend up to two years as larvae, so if you had fireflies in larger numbers 3 years ago, and the habitat Would a raised bed with added soil make sense? For more information on cut flowers, here are two more articles: and Thank you for reading and sharing your Easter surprise. What should or shouldnt we do, as we do not own this lot? Every time I jump in a lake, pool, or river, I get a flash of panic if water goes up my nose. Can never keep Cormorants vs. Anhingas straight. That also helps bahia compete. Good morning Ms. Carroll, Additionally, remember that Florida fireflies are rarely found in the density you describe seeing in New York. Whatever mine is, it most always in my shady areas & is spreading like a "bad weed" covering about half of my back yard! That's great! When picked up, the air potato beetles should be released at once, together. - fragrant water lily (Nymphaea odorata) The flocks that do not head back north are known as "resident" populations, or in other words, they live in the given area year-round. Trust me. Thank you for publishing this important information. It made it through the last two hurricanes but two arborists agree that it needs to come out before it ends up on my roof. Thank you for the kind words, Patricia! Unfortunately, this is a complicated problem with best results coming from a combination approach. There are certainly other places in Florida that you can observe and photograph them, but Cape Coral is fairly famous, locally, for their population. Hi Maryanne, This is also quite helpful in explaining toxicity of glyphosate:, I have 2 acres by a small swamp. Such ignorance. My park in Haines City would love to have a butterfly garden area for the monarchs..will be reserching any sugestions would be appreciated. We do recommend "Scaring that bear" by talking to the bear, in a low, firm, deep voice, in addition to yelling, making noise and "looking big" by raising your arms. Thanks for your interest! It could be seasonality and migration when the temperatures warmed up, it could be threatening predator (wildlife or human), or it could just be that they decided to check out a different part of town for awhile. You can find more information at the following University of Florida Web sites: A duck showed up on our front porch one day and continues to live in our back yard. We do not have any data showing it to be invasive in central Florida, so unless it is bothersome to you, it doesn't have to be removed. from our Integrated Pest Management Plan: While species behavior can be locally different over a species' range, this description aligns with what I've observed in Florida so far. LEDs do not give off any heat. I hadn't noticed it was a species not covered in the blog post. We are trying to figure out if they are being fed, and are OK. We are just leaving them alone but I'd love to know more about them! Hello - We have found two small owls in our yard recently. Removing the nuts help prevent the storms to topple the mature trees. As far as bicyclists are concerned, Florida black bears can sprint up to 35 miles per hour, so I wouldn't advise getting on a bike and attempting to flee if you are at a close distance. 4-H overnight camping also offers great volunteer opportunities for teens that you can consider for summer 2020, as those positions are now filled. I just spoke with one of our researchers in the Entomology and Nematology Department and they indicated that the color of the light wouldn't make much of an difference unless it was a red light. We've had good results with the beetles released here in Polk County, even with all the rain we've had. --- Any lake management treatment that is costly and ongoing should be quoted from a variety of lake management companies to see if there is consensus on the best treatment for that specific waterbody. Just moved here from NE and my soil is sandy. Therefore, a fountain is unlikely to have a large effect on populations. Turn off area lighting that disrupts firefly mating cycles; change lights to motion sensors. Thanks. Florida does not have any native duck species that are all white in color, excepting for unusual plumage patterns caused by albinism or leucism. Are there any pre-emergent products that are working to fight off the basketgrass before it sprouts up in the spring? Mallards, naturally, should migrate north prior to the mottled duck breeding season but feral mallards that do not know how to migrate can and often do, breed with our endemic mottled duck. Remember, some firefly populations are only out for a few weeks a year and, some species will flash for 45 minutes or less. According to Cornell's lab of Ornithology, "Fledged owls remain with parents throughout most of the summer and may be seen begging for food into October, four to five months after leaving the nest." Keep an eye out for it here. Also, running water can reduce the majority of surface microbes, and for most produce the incident of pesticides (over the safe limit) is low. I hope the owl moves along soon and youre able to regain your sleep schedule. Our local problems have been a bit better this year. We have a patch by our hoses that we could share w you if youd like. Very informative. Thanks for sharing this post. See their website at :). Hello! Could you contact me directly to possibly confirm this? One would think that this would be an ideal location for fireflies (or what I called lightming bugs.) Hi Mark, Immediately stop moving and then slowly back away. container treats up to 3,200 square feet of lawn. Surely they're not migrating (?). Would like to get some Beatles we have those vine all around. You can find an online class through Manatee County, here: So, if you have a nesting family, you'll want to give them plenty of space. When approached, they will try to look intimidating (although, it's usually pretty adorable) and may screech in your general direction to try and convince you to leave them alone. Thank you! Hi Pam, I hope this is helpful, please feel free to contact me if you have further questions. I wasn't sure if the cold water would mean that the water would be free of amoebas. Is this an eastern screech owl? Another useful site is: Would installation of a fountain inn a pond which will continuously make the water choppy work to keep them from laying eggs? Hi Jan, You might want to consider a white noise machine or a box fan, during the season the owl is calling. Some species mate for life, others just for the season. She offers education to residents on landscaping and gardening in central Florida. Generally speaking the big things are to prevent pets and children from stressing it (aka, don't approach it) and to never feed it, leave food out, or offer it food. Are they getting sick? Debbie, We are working on scheduling a few! Ortho Ground Clear kills all types of grasses, weeds and even moss, with visible results in as a little as 15 minutes. It is sometimes difficult to help our Spanish speakers understand this confusing arena of licenses. Good luck! Shortly after this behavior ended, we would start to see the owlets fledging in the yard. I totally agree with this article. However rare, infections from sinus rinsing are technically possible. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that even a large colony of bats would be able to control a booming midge population. This will attract the blind mosquitoes over to that point, and away from your home. As a result, this is the time that people most often notice them. Your local Extension office, in Sarasota County, might have an answer specific to your area. They dont lay flat as most leaves do. Can you please provide me with all the necessary details (such as class date, study materials, cost, etc) as soon as possible? There are several "Lake June" in Central Florida, so I am not sure exactly which one you are at but if it is a natural Florida waterbody, as opposed to a stormwater pond, the best course of action you have is to reduce the attraction of your house to the adults and work with your community to improve overall water quality. Enjoy watching them so much Wonder how long they will stay here? Other common hybrids in Florida are between feral mallard ducks and Florida mottled ducks, but they are not white in color. Beautiful sight crossing over Crab Orchard Lake in southern IL this morning. From Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, "Every mallard released in Florida can potentially contribute to the hybridization problem and the result is that fewer and fewer pure-bred Florida mottled ducks are left each year. I would suggest trying the method of spraying with water and if that doesn't work, trying a horticultural soap. You are correct in that turfgrass will not grow well in shady yards and if basketgrass will thrive, and you like it, that is great! Otherwise a Muscovy that escaped all the lumps and colors? Thanks for sharing that story! Great question. The males are territorial and will stay near the burrows to defend his "space." White Pelicans were seen in the Columbus Ohio area yesterday. If you would like to try to key out the problem here is a link I would recommend placing the nest box away from houses, as much as possible, to give the owls some space and encourage them to move in. You can also limit the use of pesticides in the yard as they mainly eat insects. landscapers cut palms 1-11, will this hurt the palms? Check out some info and photos of creeping jenny: If a homeowner does not like the look of basketgrass in shady areas of the landscape, we recommend mulch and low-maintenance plants. Are we causing any other problems by using them again? However, I would advise you contact FWC and ask if it is OK to approach a new burrow:, Hi Bree, Upcoming programs can be found on the calendar page and information on raising chickens can be found on the production pages. We had a screech owl family in our yard every year when I was growing up. To attract a barn owl, or any other species, you should consider adding an owl nesting box. So majestic, flying in formation and floating over wide areas of the lake. Best wishes in your lightning bug quest! Owls, and all other raptor species like eagles, are protected by the federal Migratory Bird Act and by the State of Florida, so be sure not to harm or harass them, their young, or their nests. 4-H Agent Shree Ghosh is the advisor and she can be reached at, or 863-519-1043. Thank you for your interest of properly pruned palms. We are here on Lake Bentley in Lakeland, Fl. Should I destroy the tree and start over? Removing porch lights and such will not reduce the population, but it will reduce the attractiveness of your home to the midges that are out and about. WILDLIFE ALERT (S)-Methoprene can effectively stop the formation of midge pupae in the water (Ali 1991). If development is planned in an area with burrowing owls are present, there is the possibility that they have a permit which allows that through FWC. Mary, We just wrapped up our 2018 class. Have a lovely day! They often have a variety of calls, especially with their young, so it may be one of their less common calls that you are hearing. Hi Jim, Hi Joann! Always read and follow label directions. webinar about owls in Florida: you can speed it up if 35 minutes is too long. For instance, in the state of Durango, Mexico, there is a breeding, year-round population of white pelicans. Thanks! Just saw a snake about 2 or feet long all black with white lips is it a beauty i need to worry about, Sherry, Many people love the look and low-maintenance of basketgrass and that is totally fine. However you prefer your water, I encourage you to look into the water quality reports and water processing methods for the brand or source you are interested in. There is a lot of information on individual butterfly species at the following web site: At my house, I can anecdotally say that the shaded areas of my white house attract far less blind mosquitoes than the areas reflecting the streetlight. It is possible that this is one family of ducks, but it is also possible that this is a mixed family due to "Brood Parasitism." The key for identifying greening is "blotchy mottle" on the leaves. Use of (S)-methoprene is step four of this plan. Use Light Traps in unoccupied parts of the yard and reduce or eliminate outdoor house lighting. You can find those links here: and look under "REGISTER ONLINE FOR:" Excellent thinking. or here: for more information. The beetles may be looking for additional food patches and are travelling between them, or there may be some young air potato nearby that isn't populous enough to be noticed yet. The systems that the company installs and maintains are expensive. Good morning Mike, You can find plans for a barn owl box, here: After great horned owlets leave the nest, they are generally poor fliers for several weeks and are tended to by the parents. It will creep along the ground creating a moderately dense groundcover in shady, moist areas. Thank you for the reminder! We have both Royal and coconut palms in our yard. That said, if you were to use bottled water or tap water for nasal irrigation (AKA using a "neti pot" or other similar device) I would strongly urge you to follow CDC recommendations and use pre-boiled and cooled water. There is no selective herbicide for basketgrass. Yoli, Thank you and best of luck managing this all-to-common issue! Joy. Access it here: Happy for you to have some if you haven't found some yet. Great eyes! Two years ago we had infestation of these Vines. The midges lay their eggs in the water, from which larvae hatch out of the eggs and live in the lake sediments. Hi Alan, Habitat: This species is shade tolerant and does not tolerate sunny environments very well. Hi Shannon, This is a fairly common response to avoid attack by a predator, real or perceived. I'll have to share pics w you-all! Brian, Yes it does die back in the winter. It's generally safe and helps them learn about invasive species. :) You can send them to and I'll get back to you with some answers. It arrives every morning and leaves at night, and doesn't seem to be bothered by us or the dog. Hi Ryan, you can find online CEUs here: As far as forysthia, there are none that will grow here in Florida, but there are some other plants that can give you that same look. Is it legal for me to keep the bones and feathers of this owl? Unfortunately I know this problem all to well! Cellular phone users can also call *FWC or #FWC. As the owner of a Landscaping Company, I am interested in pursuing the Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) Training in order to take the exam for the Limited Certification Landscape Maintenance pesticide license (more commonly called the Caution-labeled or Round-up license). If you are certain they are eating your bougainvillea, please do get a photo of the beetles eating and damaging your shrub as this would be a very important finding to report. Best of luck and thank you for your interest in Florida Owls and providing habitat. Recordings will usually be posted by Friday, the week of the Monday webinar. Might they be responsible for control? UF/IFAS University of Florida, An estimated 7 to 12 percent of mottled ducks are already exhibiting genetic evidence of hybridization and biologists list this hybridization as the biggest immediate threat to the conservation of Florida's mottled duck." I have a house by a retention pond. I have sent this blog to the property manager but they have failed to disseminate it to the community. Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is the agency in charge of air potato beetles now and you can request beetles online or by phone. De rien, bien sur! I know this from experience. I came home with a trunk full of butterfly loving plants and a caterpillar. I understand your concern. Is it possible that the babies are back in the nesting place or has nature taken its course, not in a good way. Is it normal to have a burrowing owl spending the day 9 feet (up near the ceiling) above ground so close to humans? Do Burrowing Owls use a nesting box? - First and foremost, you must reduce the lighting around your house. Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, the firefly populations in Florida are a bit unpredictable. Rhonda, Good morning Madi, I need to renew my license, where do i send my CEUs ? Since our species are often active year-round, they are generally seen in smaller numbers. You can consider installing netting over their run which can prevent raptor species like owls and eagles from reaching your flock. The answers to these questions cannot predict or eliminate the possibility of lightning bug activity, but they can draw a complete picture. For more information on leaf removal when transplanting palm trees check out: (Barrington Hills, Illinois 60010. We do! :) You've found a southern ring-neck snake and they are common throughout Florida. A bit goofy in the water, but what pelican isn't? I am so sorry to hear about your troubles with midges! It dies back in the winter but it's just starting to make it's summer appearance. They did not stay in the nest for a long time. Hello Thank you for your help in making a dream come true. That duck is a Black Belly Whistling duck and you can find more information about therm here: The owls in Florida are fairly easy to identify as there are only 5 common species and they are rather different looking. In my review of the literature, I've not found that as a recommended practice to break the reproductive cyce of blind mosquitoes. The parents will care for the chicks until they are self-sufficient, usually around 12 weeks old. I'd recommend you keep an eye on Commissioner Fried's updates and website. Thank you, I applied online about 3 weeks go for the beetle assistance program. Always follow the instructions on the label when applying an herbicide product. See here: I hope you have a nice rest of your holiday season and can enjoy several more squadrons of these majestic birds while they're here for winter. It likely means you haven't inadvertently stressed it. Good morning, Jean, Its so soft to walk on and low growing. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact me. If there is wildlife out there, especially young wildlife or prey species, consider making some noise to scare them away prior to releasing your dogs into the yard to play. Let your eyes adjust to the dark, which can take 15-45 minutes, and just observe the vegetation. 2. These pellets release the IGR for up to 30 days. Please feel free to shoot me an email for more specific recommendations for reducing native plant conflict with boating. So i'm trying to find a new way of helping with rodents around our barn. After that stage they pupate and become a swimming pupa, from which stage they finally mature an become a flying adult. The link for registration takes me to a page from 2018. In the future, please only use properly sterilized water for nasal rinsing. WebThis concentrated plus Roundup pesticide killer is very effective controlling all unwanted weed and grass that grows in not desired areas. You're right in that jumping in the water is not a good way to scare a bear. It sounds like you are very familiar with burrowing owls and have nests nearby, so I'm going to assume that you've identified the owl correctly. For more information about coconut palms, check out: Thanks HOWEVER: Note that blind mosquitoes land on anything they can to rest (even dark dirt or plants) so changing the paint isn't likely to have a huge impact on its own. There will be years where the vines outcompete the beetles and vice versa. Can you point me out towards that direction? The Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society is interested in having a speaker at one of our virtual (Zoom) meetings. Whoever catch the most got an extra scoop of grandmas home churned peached ice cream. I'm much better about remembering to hold my nose when I jump now! Mary, So, basket grass is free, no maintenance, soft, green, and beautiful. Thank you for your question! This means the birds themselves, their nests, and their eggs are protected by federal and state law. I am on Merrit Island and just saw a very large group of white pelicans, and I wanted more information on these beautiful birds. 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