Student Constantinople DBQ .docx. Military support came from Venice and Genoa. Justinian built cities; he restored the Byzantine Empire to one faith, and he organized a uniform legal code. He angled one of his cannons such that it could strike the defenders of the chain and then began to construct an oiled wooden ramp upon which he intended to portage his smaller vessels from the Bosporus to the Golden Horn. [20]:378 Prayer and resting was then granted to the soldiers on 28 May before the final assault would be launched. Some suggest that the fall of Rome and the state of America now, are very similar in social, political, and economic aspects. He claimed the rise of Christianity contributed to the fall of Rome as it bred a 'turn the other cheek' mentality. For Genoas part, the city-state sent 700 soldiers to Constantinople, all of whom arrived in January 1453 with Giovanni Giustiniani Longo at their head. [1] Score As western Europe fell to the Germanic invasions, imperial power shifted to the Byzantine Empire, that is, the eastern part of the Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople. [32]:380 This strategy was used because in 1204, the armies of the Fourth Crusade successfully circumvented Constantinople's land defences by breaching the Golden Horn Wall, which faces the Horn. Mehmeds strategy was straightforward: he would use his fleet and siege lines to blockade Constantinople on all sides while relentlessly battering the walls of the city with cannon. 1458-1464), called for a crusade, convening a council in 1459 to drum up support. The Fall of Constantinople is depicted in Season 1 of the Netflix series Rise of Empires: Ottoman. DBQ 3: Byzantine Empire under Justinian Big Idea | When Justinian became emperor in 527, he was determined to revive the ancient Roman Empire, to build a new Rome. Roman advancements in engineering, architecture, (blank), and philosophy helped shape later . This section of the walls had been built earlier, in the 11th century, and was much weaker. 10th grade. SQ 5. The defenders attempted to attack the remainder of the Ottoman fleet in the Bosporus, but they were defeated. Having encircled Constantinople in full, Mehmed continued his artillery barrage of the land walls through May 29. Constantine. My friends and men of my empire! Islambol (, Full of Islam) or Islambul (find Islam) or Islam(b)ol (old Turkic: be Islam), both in Turkish, were folk-etymological adaptations of Istanbul created after the Ottoman conquest of 1453 to express the city's new role as the capital of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. Document 1 . 3According to Steven Kreis, what was one change that resulted from the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire? With this conquest, a new group of people came in with a different religion known as Islam. [93] Many feared other European Christian kingdoms would suffer the same fate as Constantinople. The Walls of Constantinople, especially the Theodosian Walls, were some of the most advanced defensive systems in the world at the time. "It is for the Faith! the Ghazi said. The short lived Crusade immediately came to an end and as Western Europe entered the 16th century, the age of Crusading began to come to an end. Fall of Constantinople, (May 29, 1453), conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire. Fall of Constantinople By 350 A.D., Constantinople was one of the world's greatest capitals. The According to Makarios Melissenos: As soon as the Turks were inside the City, they began to seize and enslave every person who came their way; all those who tried to offer resistance were put to the sword. Letter on the Death of the Emperor Frederick I (113.6KB PDF Document) Shortly after the Venetians left, a few Genoese ships and even the Emperor's ships followed them out of the Golden Horn. Here he encountered some resistance; one of his Viziers, the veteran Halil Pasha, who had always disapproved of Mehmed's plans to conquer the city, now admonished him to abandon the siege in the face of recent adversity. Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI swiftly understood Mehmed's true intentions and turned to Western Europe for help; but now the price of centuries of war and enmity between the eastern and western churches had to be paid. constantine ran out of money and became the capital due to the fall of rome. Now, at this happy and joyful moment of time, we have the riches of the Greeks, we have won their empire, and their religion is completely extinguished. In April, having quickly seized Byzantine coastal settlements along the Black Sea and Sea of Marmara, Ottoman regiments in Rumelia and Anatolia assembled outside the Byzantine capital. a year ago. The Venetian Nicol Barbaro claimed in his diary that Constantine hanged himself at the moment when the Turks broke in at the San Romano gate. A historical consensus has not been formed on the fall of the Roman Empire. [111], The name of Istanbul is thought to be derived from the Greek phrase s tmbol(n) (Greek: , translit. [25] In fact, Europe celebrated Mehmed coming to the throne and hoped his inexperience would lead the Ottomans astray. Name Constantinople Dbq Historical Context: Fillable, Printable & Blank PDF Form for Free. According to David Nicolle, the ordinary people were treated better by their Ottoman conquerors than their ancestors had been by Crusaders back in 1204, stating that only about 4,000 Greeks died in the siege, while according to a Venetian Senate report, 50 Venetian noblemen and over 500 other Venetian civilians died during the siege. The many bodies of water surrounding the peninsula gave Constantinople many trade routes as well as protection. Having previously established a large foundry about 150 miles (240km) away, Mehmed now had to undertake the painstaking process of transporting his massive artillery pieces. The fall of Constantinople, and thus the end of the Byzantine Empire, was a crushing blow for Christendom. fighting Empire's downfall (4) Emptied the treasury Successors would lose what was gained Weakened the defense, by spreading the army out Victories were temporary What did Empire Constantine do? Other potential claimants, such as the Republic of Venice and the Holy Roman Empire have disintegrated into history. They were built at foundries that employed Turkish cannon founders and technicians, most notably Saruca, in addition to at least one foreign cannon founder, Orban (also called Urban). Tanggal. Turkish troops withdraw from Bulgaria and Russia. Constantinople DBQ Historical Context: Constantinople's location was beneficial to the Byzantine Empire Task: Using evidence from the documents, write a paragraph discussing three ways Constantinople's location was beneficial to the Byzantine Empire. [94], In the past we received our wounds in Asia and in Africain foreign countries. The main effect of the fall of Constantinople in 1453 was the downfall of the Byzantine Empire and the rise of the Ottoman Empire. [1] Herrin, Judith. I have read secondary sources by John Julius Norwich and Steven Runciman. The Public Defiance 3. When Turkish flags were seen flying above the Kerkoporta, a small postern gate that was left open, panic ensued and the defence collapsed. The fall of Constantinople was a major turning point in history, as it marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. Mehmed II had sent an advance guard to protect these key buildings.The Catalans that maintained their position on the section of the wall that the emperor had assigned them, had the honor of being the last troops to fall. The Empire of Trebizond, an independent successor state that formed in the aftermath of the Fourth Crusade, was also present at the time on the coast of the Black Sea. [31]:92, To the left of the emperor, further south, were the commanders Cataneo, who led Genoese troops, and Theophilus Palaeologus, who guarded the Pegae Gate with Greek soldiers. In 330 A.D. a Roman emperor named Constantinople founded a city named Constantinople on the old Greek city of Byzantium. It is first attested shortly after the conquest, and its invention was ascribed by some contemporary writers to Mehmed II himself. "Fall of the Empire", Byzantium and Putin's Russia", World History Encyclopedia 1453: The Fall of Constantinople, By April 22 the ships had circumvented the chain in this way and, barring the chain itself, seized control of all the waters surrounding the city. Genoese and Catalan troops were stationed at the Great Palace; Cardinal Isidore of Kiev guarded the tip of the peninsula near the boom. In many places the ground could not be seen, as it was covered by heaps of corpses. [20]:374 His 27 feet (8.2m) long cannon was named "Basilica" and was able to hurl a 600lb (270kg) stone ball over a mile (1.6km). [31]:9697 Mehmed's massive cannons fired on the walls for weeks but due to their imprecision and extremely slow rate of fire, the Byzantines were able to repair most of the damage after each shot, mitigating the effect of the Ottoman artillery. 1 - Internal Strife. [20]:373 But Mehmed's mild words were not matched by his actions. A propaganda initiative was stimulated by anti-unionist Orthodox partisans in Constantinople; the population, as well as the laity and leadership of the Byzantine Church, became bitterly divided. Byzantine DBQ Questions 8/21 DRAFT. The fall of Constantinople was a major turning point in history, as it marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. [31]:145[85] Soldiers fought over the possession of some of the spoils of war. ! [65] The looting was extremely thorough in certain parts of the city. While standing before the head, the sultan in his speech said:[101]. The section in the book that I cited talks about the military aspects of the siege and several tactics used in the battle. It can serve as a formative or final assessment in a unit on medieval Islamic civilization, an introduction to DBQs and DBQ writing, or a class activity to help teach the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire, or the Ottoman Empire. [54] This train included Orban's enormous cannon, which was said to have been dragged from Edirne by a crew of 60 oxen and over 400 men. Perhaps most important was the conflict that developed between the churches of east and west. 197-205. The Fall of Constantinople on May 29, 1453 by the Ottoman Turks was a battle that changed the world history. By 1450, the empire was exhausted and had shrunk to a few square kilometers outside the city of Constantinople itself, the Princes' Islands in the Sea of Marmara and the Peloponnese with its cultural center at Mystras. Most of the primary sources seem to be in Latin or Byzantine period Greek. The sultan thus completed his conquest of the Byzantine capital. In contrast to the Byzantines, the Ottoman Turks had extended their control over virtually all of the Balkans and most of Anatolia, having conquered several Byzantine cities west of Constantinople in the latter half of the 14th century. [69]:37. On 2 June, the Sultan found the city largely deserted and half in ruins; churches had been desecrated and stripped, houses were no longer habitable, and stores and shops were emptied. [31]:81, Meanwhile, in Venice, deliberations were taking place concerning the kind of assistance the Republic would lend to Constantinople. By March 1453 Urbans cannon had been transported from the Ottoman capital of Edirne to the outskirts of Constantinople. The Phanariotes, as they were called, provided many capable advisers to the Ottoman rulers. Students will read about the sack of Constantinople and its effects on the Byzantine Empire at the hands of the Ottoman Empire and analyze it by answering 9 questions to get a first hand look at what happened in the city when it was razed . After the fall of Rome, popes gradually emerged as powerful figures in western Europe. Updates? Ascertain to what factors contemporaneous observers attributed the rise and fall of the Muslim empires; determine which factors would have made the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals most successful and which ones would eventually weaken . This will cover from the rise of Islam, to its sieges of t. coachallam. Edit. The citys defenders continued to repair the walls at night and reinforced areas at the damaged Gate of St. Romanus and the Blachernae sector. It was said that the partial lunar eclipse that occurred on 22 May 1453 represented a fulfilment of a prophecy of the city's demise. . Now devoid of both a long-standing buffer against the Ottomans and access to the Black Sea, Christian kingdoms relied on Hungary to halt any further westward expansion. The imperial efforts to impose union were met with strong resistance in Constantinople. Our ancestors eagerly desired to achieve this; rejoice now since it is your bravery which has won this kingdom for us. A small group reached the top of a tower through another gate but were nearly eliminated by the defenders until Giustiniani was mortally wounded by Ottoman gunfire while on the ramparts. We are going to learn more about why Constantinople was so successful and how it benefited the Eastern Roman Empire [109], The migration waves of Byzantine scholars and migrs in the period following the sacking of Constantinople and the fall of Constantinople in 1453 is considered by many scholars key to the revival of Greek and Roman studies that led to the development of the Renaissance humanism[100][dead link][bettersourceneeded] and science. [31]:92 The sea walls were guarded more sparsely, with Jacobo Contarini at Stoudion, a makeshift defence force of Greek monks to his left hand, and Prince Orhan at the Harbour of Eleutherios. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. The crosses which had been placed on the roofs or the walls of churches were torn down and trampled. It was one of the largest and most powerful empires in the ancient world. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. This time, however, we are being attacked in Europe, in our own land, in our own house. Edit. He was carried to the rear, and his absence sowed confusion and lowered morale among the ranks. The city was mainly populated by Christians and now has become an Islamic city. Other sources claim far more brutal and successful pillaging by the Ottoman invaders. The Knights of St. John on Rhodes write of the city's fall and Turkish plans to the Margrave of Brandenburg in Jerusalem. The garrison used a few small-calibre artillery pieces, which in the end proved ineffective. The sultan had Pere Juli, his sons and the consul Joan de la Via, amongst others, beheaded. [40]:32 [note 5] Turkish commander Dorgano, who was in Constantinople working for the Emperor, was also guarding one of the quarters of the city on the seaward side with the Turks in his pay. In Rome, Thomas and his family received some monetary support from the Pope and other Western rulers as Byzantine emperor in exile, until 1503. [31]:108[56] With the failure of their attack on the Ottoman vessels, the defenders were forced to disperse part of their forces to defend the sea walls along the Golden Horn. Two attempts to rush the Gate of St. Romanus and the Blachernae walls were met with fierce resistance, and the Ottoman soldiers were forced to fall back. Page 2 of 10 Performance Tasks - Causation: Cities and the Rise and Fall of States Goal of task Target concept: . eis tn plin, "to the City"), and it is claimed that it had already spread among the Turkish populace of the Ottoman Empire before the conquest. In Mehmed's view, he was the successor to the Roman Emperor, declaring himself Kayser-i Rum, literally "Caesar of Rome", that is, of the Roman Empire, though he was remembered as "the Conqueror". [66] Many of the riches of the city were already looted in 1204, leaving only limited loot to the Ottomans.[67]. by coachallam. [99][100] Those Greeks who stayed behind in Constantinople mostly lived in the Phanar and Galata districts of the city. Document 1: He then ordered a muezzin ascend the pulpit and sound a prayer[89][90] The Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque, but the Greek Orthodox Church was allowed to remain intact and Gennadius Scholarius was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople. A severed head that was claimed to belong to Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos was found and presented to Mehmed and nailed onto a column. SS.912.W.2.2 Describe the impact of Constantine the Great's establishment of "New Rome" (Constantinople) and his recognition of Christianity as a legal religion. [74], According to Nicolas de Nicolay, slaves were displayed naked at the city's slave market, and young girls could be purchased. The wordplay emphasizes its strategic position: in Turkish boaz means both "strait" and "throat". Despite his pleas, no Western monarch stepped forward to lead the effort. In 'The History of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ', Edward Gibbon had a controversial theory. Orthodox leaders voted in favour of union, but the people of Constantinople were adamantly against it and rioted in response. In the 15th century, Constantinoples walls were widely recognized as the most formidable in all of Europe. The fact that Constantinople, which was long known for being indomitable in the eyes of all, as the Sharif of Mecca said, had fallen and that the Prophet Muhammad's prophecy came true shocked the Islamic world and filled it with a great jubilation and rapture.[102]. Districts of the primary sources seem to be in Latin or Byzantine period.! Were widely recognized fall of constantinople dbq the Republic of Venice and the consul Joan de la Via, others... 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