English, l-nsi il popolo ; i popoli ; le nazioni Read more , The five pillars of Islam (arkn al-Islm ; also Read more , A doxology (Ancient Greek: doxologia, from , doxa, glory Read more , raqiya sky ; firmament ; heaven Read more , Assiah (or Asiyah, also known as Olam Asiyah, Read more , Abrahamic Study Hall 2015-2023 - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy - About Us, I just wanted to remind you of a statement that represents the thinking here at ASH (Abrahamic Study Hall): Having converted, he was gradually radicalized. First, the historical narrative Aslan presents is engaging, informative, eminently readable, and, under close scrutiny, fairly reliable. The categorization and separation of native peoples was a common tactic for maintaining colonial control over territories whose national boundaries had been arbitrarily drawn with little consideration for the ethnic, cultural, or religious makeup of the local inhabitants. Your existence is my own, and it is also my will., All that matters is to be on a path, to be constantly moving toward the topone measured, controlled, and strictly supervised step at a timepassing diligently through specific abodes and stations along the Way, each of which is marked by an ineffable experience of spiritual evolution, until one finally reaches the end of the journey: that moment of enlightenment in which the veil of reality is stripped away, the ego obliterated, and the self utterly consumed by God., The loss of Abu Talibs protection was certainly demoralizing, if not detrimental to Muhammads physical security. Islamic Modernists like the Egyptian writer and political philosopher Ali Abd ar-Raziq (d. 1966) pointed to Muhammads community in Medina as proof that Islam advocated the separation of religious and temporal power, while Muslim extremists in Afghanistan and Iran have used the same community to fashion various models of Islamic theocracy. No God but One: Allah or Jesus? Other chapters explore the concept of jihad, Sufi mysticism, and the Islamic response to colonialism up through the early twentieth century. The chief victors in the intero-Islamic skirmishes took shape in sharp contrast to what Muhammad had envisioned. This should concern us. Try to appease it, and it will take control., It took many years to cleanse Arabia of its false idols. It will take many more to cleanse Islam of its new false idolsbigotry and fanaticismworshipped by those who have replaced Muhammads original vision of tolerance and unity with their own ideals of hatred and discord. All Right Reserved. I have to be up front that I knew nothing about Muhammad and so it was great place to begin. In his book No God but God, Reza Aslan claims that "In all, there are said to be three hundred sixty idols housed in and around the Kaba, representing every god recognized in the Arabian Peninsula." Therefore people from all over Arabia congregated in this area to worship their gods. Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. The phrase qawwamuna ala an-nisa can be understood as watch over, protect, support, attend to, look after, or be in charge of women. Like the infancy narratives in the Gospels, these stories are not intended to relate historical events, but to elucidate the mystery of the prophetic experience.Again, the historicity of these topoi is irrelevant. Fight in the way of God those who fight you, the Quran says, but do not begin hostilities; God does not like the aggressor (2:190). Inshallah. (Ephesians 2:4-6 RSV) He doubts the authenticity of the traditional narrative and says only that, we can reasonably conclude that Muhammed was a Meccan and an orphan; that he worked for his uncles caravan from a young age; that this caravan made frequent trips throughout the region and would have encountered Christian, Zoroastrian, and Jewish tribes, all of whom were deeply involved in Arab society; and finally, that he must have been familiar with the religion and ideology of Hanifism, which pervaded Mecca and which very likely set the stage for Muhammeds own movement. This is my angur! cried the Persian. In No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Reza Aslan chronicles the development of Islam from its unpromising beginnings into a force to be reckoned with worldwide. The sporadic revelations that came to Muhammad were recounted orally, addressing injustices in Arabian society, such as the distribution of wealth among the Quraysh. Islam is no different than Judaism or Christianity in being human responses to the religious imperative. When fourteen centuries ago Muhammed launched a revolution in Mecca to replace the archaic, rigid, and inequitable strictures of tribal society with a radically new vision of divine morality and social egalitarianism, he tore apart the fabric of traditional Arab society. This updated edition addresses the events of the past decade, analyzing how they have influenced Islam's position in modern culture. nabi/rasul. Who were the Hypsistarians: Inner life requires attention to the world, How to be happy: Happiness is a choice, not a genetic factor, Believe in yourself: keep pushing, every answer is inside you, Words of wisdom: Epicurus letter on happiness, Temple Mount: the Sacreds space and location for the encounter of realities, In Praise of Folly (Erasmus of Rotterdam), Epiphany: meaning and what people actually celebrate, Who is Satan: Why (sadly) it is important to know the Devil, Eid al-Adha: The remembrance in Islam of Abrahams faith, Sufism: what it is, and who the Sufis really are, Mohammed meaning of Seal of the Prophets, Timeline of Important milestones in Islamic history. His memoir gets most exciting toward the end where he describes his escape from radical Islam, facilitated in a crucial way by the appeal of Christianity. Offers quick summary / overview and other basic information submitted by Wikipedia contributors who considers themselves "experts" in the topic at hand. Thus, with each successive generation, the chain of transmission, or isnad, that was supposed to authenticate the hadith grew longer and more convoluted, so that in less than two centuries after Muhammads death, there were already some seven hundred thousand hadith being circulated throughout the Muslim lands, the great majority of which were unquestionably fabricated by individuals who sought to legitimize their own particular beliefs and practices by connecting them with the Prophet. Muhammad married an older woman, Khadija, a wealthy and respected businesswoman. Kill its leaders, and they become martyrs. The Islamic Reformation is already here. Islamic clergy may be able to exert considerable influence within a democratic state, by seeking to establish an Islam-friendly consensus among the people of that state. . . Chapter 2 explains the emergence of Islam in its initial socioeconomic context. Also includes sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of Reza Aslans No god but God. The book deals with the history of Islam and provides arguments over the liberal interpretation of the religion. Tawil delves into the concealed message of the text, which, because of its mystical nature, is comprehensible only to a select few. You will have a direct line to ASH, for any questions you have: you will only be one email away from ASH. Is he a supernaturalist? User-submitted reviews on Amazon often have helpful information about themes, characters, and other relevant topics. We are informed the Prophet was "indecisive", an "empty vessel", a "hooked nose" Arab, that the Quran *was dictated by* its environment, that the 5 daily prayers are apocryphal, and for that matter the entire hadith corpus should be thrown out the window, etc. It would seem that for a state to be Islamic in any meaningful sense, it would have to be informed by Islamic religious ideals. Reviews in The Guardian display a strong grasp of the subject matter, and are able to analyze whether the book accomplished its goal. It strikes me that all the various factions of Islam that developed (which Aslan over optimistically describes as conveying a wonderful cultural and spiritual diversity, conveniently ignoring the bloodshed), were all striving to arrive at what Mohammad really meant, the real Islam. Come to prosperity, come to prosperity. Reality is neither emptiness nor illusion, reality is God. In fact, Rezas Shiite background strongly influences his writing. We make no distinction between any of them; we submit ourselves to God., Manichaeism, the doctrine founded by the Prophet Mani, was a Gnostic religious movement heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Judaism which preached a complex, radical dualism between the forces of darkness/evil and the forces of light/good.. Read Reza Aslan's biography on RezaAslan.com. But the real joy is Aslans prose. Religion is the story of faith." Not that I totally trusted Aslan's account. Reza Aslan's book No god but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam has been appreciated by the world. We are all living in it., Today, Medina is simultaneously the archetype of Islamic democracy and the impetus for Islamic militancy. I have no need of you today., Considering how effortlessly religious dogma has become intertwined with political ideology, how can we overcome the clash-of-monotheisms mentality that has so deeply entrenched itself in the modern world? Among the summaries and analysis available for No god but God, there are 1 Short Summary and 7 Book Reviews. Tawhid means that God is Oneness. What is important is what these stories say about our prophets, our messiahs, our kings: that theirs is a holy and eternal vocation, established by God from the moment of creation. The reviewer describes their feelings about the story and characters along with a brief plot summary. For example, one chapter is entirely devoted to the controversial, because often misinterpreted, issue of jihad, while others on the Ottoman Empire, the formation of al Qaeda, and so continuing in chronological order up to Osama bin Laden. Yet regardless of whether one is labeled a Modernist or a Traditionalist, a reformist or a fundamentalist, a feminist or a, must recognize that greater knowledge about Islam is not enough to alter peoples perceptions of Muslims. Aslan explores the history of Islam, from it nascent beginnings in the previously obscure Arabian desert, to the unprecedent bourgeoning of its power, as it spread from Spain to Northern India, evolving in countless different directions, under the guise of a million and one different messages all linked to a single figure named Mohammed, a merchant turned prophet, whose message transformed a series of small Arab tribes into one of the most powerful religious forces the world has ever seen. From the internationally bestselling author of No god but God comes a fascinating, provocative, and meticulously researched biography that calls into question everything we thought we knew about Jesus of Nazareth. It is not important whether the stories describing the childhood of Muhammed, Jesus, or David are true. Its history is better known and better founded. Publishers Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a synopsis of the book and a look at the quality of writing. By the ninth century, when Islamic law was being fashioned, there were so many false hadith circulating through the community that Muslim legal scholars somewhat whimsically classified them into two categories: lies told for material gain and lies told for ideological advantage. But the cleansing is inevitable, and the tide of reform cannot be stopped. La Ilaha Illallah: There Is No God but Allah 14th April 2023 La ilaha illallah -There is no god but Allah -is the basis of the unity of God. His books include No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam (published 2005) and How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the End of the War on Terror (published 2009). And yet, like the United States, these countries are considered democracies, not because they are secular but because they are, at least in theory, dedicated to pluralism., The only question that matters with regard to a religion and its mythology is What do these stories mean?, There is absolutely nothing divine about the Shariah and in no way can it possibly be considered fixed and infallible. (with Bonus Content) A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity Author: Nabeel Qureshi Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: Category: Religion Page: 319 View: 182 DOWNLOAD NOW BONUS: This eBook includes downloadable videos and a Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi that are not found in the print edition. And they believe that in this very place Abraham was on the point of sacrificing Ishmael, before being stopped by the promise that he too, like his brother Isaac, would beget a great nation, whose descendants now roam the sandy valley of Mecca like a whirlwind in the desert., Religion, it must be understood, is not faith. Despite that, it cannot be the primary source of reference when it comes to Prophet Muhammads biography for few of the account of events are arbitrary and moot point to what I as a Muslim has been born and raised taught with. (Here, as elsewhere, Aslan strays from traditional accounts in the interests of historical accuracy. Which is what Aslan seems to do, as well. We are fortunate to have accepted the teachings which completely safeguards against associating partners with God. Those who disobey God and His Messenger, and who try to overstep the boundaries of this [inheritance] law will be thrown into Hell, where they will dwell forever, suffering the most shameful punishment (4:14). FreeBookNotes found 8 sites with book summaries or analysis of No god but God. A wave of democratic fervor across the Middle East created a renewed sense of hope for scores of people who had spent their lives in autocratic societies but who now looked forward to the possibility of having a say, even if in the most limited of ways, in their own political destinies. He blames Western imperialism and the misinterpretations of Islamic law by past scholars for the current controversies within Islam, questioning the clash of civilizations thesis that peoples cultural and religious identity will be the primary source of world conflict in the post Cold War era. The story he tells begins in the Arabian desert during the pre-Islamic era of the sixth century AD. A religious state of Islamic orientation also most likely would be rife with internal struggles, since there has never been a successful attempt to establish a monolithic interpretation of the meaning and significance of Islamic beliefs and practices (265). Aslan, Reza _ No god but God.. Among the summaries and analysis available for No god but God, there However,it is not merely the tension that exists between the Islamic religion . No god but God (Updated Edition) by Reza Aslan: 9780812982442 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books A fascinating, accessible introduction to Islam from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Zealot and host of Believer FINALIST FOR THE GUARDIAN. According to the Islamic statement of witness, or shahada, "There is no god but Allah". Its the way Aslan teaches on the page that I find so endearing. Despite these concerns, I recommend Reza Aslans book. The argument became heated as each man insisted on having what he desired. I want to write two reviews for this book. His arc of the moral universe would bend towards not only racial justice but justice of all kinds. He was also an ardent defender of the poor, a great activist in the face of corporate America, indeed a man who aligned himself with all of the weak against all of the powerful. Elsewhere the Quran is more explicit: Permission to fight is given only to those who have been oppressed who have been driven from their homes for saying, God is our Lord (22:39; emphasis added)., This creator God was called Allah, which is not a proper name but a contraction of the word al-ilah, meaning simply the God., There are striking similarities between the Christian and Quranic descriptions of the Apocalypse, the Last Judgment, and the paradise awaiting those who have been saved., But tawhid, which literally means making one, implies more than just monotheism. I am struck by the contrast with Christianity, a historically older tradition. The Quran suffered a similar fate, as different schools of interpretation emerged. We found no such entries for this book title. Perhaps then we will recognize the intimate connections that bind us all together beyond any cultural, ethnic, or religious affiliations. Consider, for example, how the following verse (4:34) regarding the obligations of men toward women has been rendered into English by two different but widely read contemporafirst is from the Princeton edition, translated by Ahmed Ali; the second is from Majid Fakhrys translation, published by New York University: Men are the support of women [qawwamuna ala an-nisa] as God gives some more means than others, and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). The author argues that the Quran does not command women to be covered with the veil, and that the concept of jihad was intended solely for defensive purposes. . This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 44, number 2 (2021). Tafsir answers questions of context and chronology, providing an easily understandable framework for Muslims to live a righteous life. But this will be more than a home. A SUMMARY CRITIQUE NO GOD BUT GOD: The Reinterpretation of Islam a book review of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan . Faith in GOD and dedication is the Way to succeed. If there is only one God, then there may be only one truth, and that can easily lead to bloody conflicts of irreconcilable absolutisms., One would be tempted to call the members of such a new community Muslims (literally those who are submissive to God). This in my language is stafil, said the Greek. According to Aslan, Islam is experiencing an internal struggle between individualistic reform and traditional clerical authority similar to what took place during the 16th century Reformation in Christianity. Tight composition, fast pacing, authoritative tone: it's no surprise it was a bestseller. In fact, the Hungarian scholar Ignaz Goldziher has documented numerous hadith the transmitters of which claimed were derived from Muhammad but which were in reality verses from the Torah and Gospels, bits of rabbinic sayings, ancient Persian maxims, passages of Greek philosophy, Indian proverbs, and even an almost word-for-word reproduction of the Lords Prayer. No God But One by Nabeel Qureshi | Book Summary About the Author (s) Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who converted to Christianity at great risk to his life and relationships. . During a period of exile, Muhammad gathered supporters and received additional revelations, summed up in the shahadah: There is no god but God, and Muhammad is Gods messenger.. Rather, sacred history is like a hallowed tree whose roots dig deep into primordial time and whose branches weave in and out of genuine history with little concern for the boundaries of space and time., [God] has established for you [the Arabs] the same religion enjoined on Noah, on Abraham, on Moses, and on Jesus, the Quran says (42:13)., The single most important factor in the performance of any Muslim ritual is the believers intention, which must be consciously proclaimed before the ritual can begin., The reformation of Christianity was a terrifying process, but it was not, as it has so often been presented, a collision between Protestant reform and Catholic intransigence. Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made some of them excel the others, and because they spend some of their wealth. . Reviews tend to be written in a professional, detached voice and provide detailed coverage of the content included. Of course, such a process takes time. ________ Reverend William Spooner was famous for a type of funny verbal mistake that became known as a (n) _____ . . The hadith, insofar as they addressed issues not dealt with in the Quran, would become an indispensable tool in the formation of Islamic law. For example, one chapter is entirely devoted to the controversial, because often misinterpreted, issue of, After Noah the Kaba fell into oblivion for generations, until Abraham rediscovered it by visiting his firstborn son Ishmael, and his concubine Hagar, exiled to this desolate land by the will of Sarah his wife. It has been translated into 13 languages. Muhammads exile effectively ended in 622 AD. In No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Reza Aslan chronicles the development of Islam from its unpromising beginnings into a force to be reckoned with worldwide. the text of islam. Each chapter of the book deals with a specific topic within Islam. That verse, however, was addressed not to women in general, but exclusively to Muhammads wives:, But perhaps the most important innovation in the doctrine of jihad was its outright prohibition of all but strictly defensive wars. And finally, when the celebrated Quranic commentator Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi (11491209) interpreted the verse [God] created spouses for you of your own kind so that you may have peace of mind through them (3:21) as proof that women were created like animals and plants and other useful things [and not for] worship and carrying the Divine commands . God presented three conditions and signs. For some, Muhammads actions in Medina serve as the model for Muslim-Jewish relations; for others, they demonstrate the insurmountable conflict that has always existed, and will always exist, between the two sons of Abraham. It seems, based on what he does say, that the United States of America could become an Islamic state. Philosophy, however, is itself truth; its purpose is merely to express reality through the faculty of human reason., Thus, the Quran promises that all those who believethe Jews, the Sabians, the Christiansanyone who believes in God and the Last Days, and who does good deeds, will have nothing to fear. This set the stage for the emergence of a bona fide monotheism. Reza Aslan's book No God but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, first published in March 2005 by Random House, is the young Shiite intellectual's first attempt to lay the ideological foundations towards a direction of Islamic reform which is based on theological approach. It also would be interesting to know how such a transformation might take place, and what the concrete result would be. "No god but God" is a text written by Iranian-American Muslim scholar Reza Aslan. The atom, the sun, the galaxies and the universe, . If women could no longer be considered property, men complained, not only would their wealth be drastically reduced, but their own meager inheritances would now have to be split with their sisters and daughtersmembers of the community who, they argued, did not share an equal burden with the men. I am unable to say, And they are unable to hear., The concept of fasting was extraneous to the bedouin experience (it would have been absurd to voluntarily deprive oneself of food or water in a desert climate), there is no doubt that Mohammed mutated this ritual for the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula, which the Quran itself admits by declaring: Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who preceded you (2: 183). Fifth, there is an eerily sanctimonious thread in the final chapter that may be grounds for concern. In order to speak to new generations, traditions adapt, but faith is eternal. So why the four stars? Belief in the existence of God (or gods) is definitional of theism and characteristic of many (though not all) religious traditions. Aslan explains the development of Muhammads prophetic consciousness as a series of smaller, indescribable supernatural experiences that climaxed in a final violent encounter with the divine (36). Many reviews are behind a subscriber paywall. An individual enters the final stages of the Way when the nafs [Arabic word for self] begins to release its grip on the qalb [the heart], thus allowing the ruh [Spirit]which is present in all humanity, but is cloaked in the veil of the selfto absorb the qalb as though it were a drop of dew plunged into a vast, endless sea. It is to Arabic what Homer is to Greek, what Chaucer is to English: a snapshot of an evolving language, frozen forever in time, All religions are inextricably bound to the social, spiritual, and cultural milieux from which they arose and in which they developed. Overall a very good book on Islam. Someone recommended this book and it turned out to be a great choice. After a few generations, almost anything could be given the status of hadith if one simply claimed to trace its transmission back to Muhammad. What a conflicting review to have to write. You will have a direct line to ASH, for any questions you have: you will only be one email away from ASH. Does he believe that all religions are equally valid? In traditional Eastern philosophy, this notion of radical unity is often called monism: the idea that all things, despite their variety, can be reduced to a single thing unified in space, time, essence, or quality. However, in their earliest stages, the hadith were muddled and totally unregulated, making their authentication almost impossible. Even presuming the raft of hostile orientalists he draws from represented the most neutral and authoritative of western scholarship on Islam, the author's own tone and framing make it needlessly more odious. He is author of many books, includingEvil and the Evidence for God(Temple University Press, 1995), Faith, Film, and Philosophy: Big Ideas on the Big Screen(InterVarsity Press, forthcoming), andPhilosophy of Religion(Rowman and Littlefield, also forthcoming). Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book. Of politics and history it is a good introduction for the non-muslim. On the other hand, the barrage of information is withering. The site is known for a sarcastic, irreverent tone and a strong conservative bent. Email Address: Follow In No god but God, challenging the "clash of civilizations" mentality that has distorted our view of Islam, Aslan explains this critical faith in all its complexity, beauty, and compassion. He took pot shots at Christianity and Judaism, and his comments about those religions contained several inaccuracies, such as Aaron having brought the Jews to the Promised Land. The events of 9/11 guaranteed one thingthat the Western world must come to understand Islam. Minds are not changed merely through acquiring data or information (if that were the case it would take no effort to convince Americans that Obama is, in fact, a Christian). Two thousand years ago, an itinerant Jewish preacher and miracle worker walked across the Galilee, gathering followers to establish what he called the "Kingdom of God." He believes that all religion is conceived, incubated, weaned, and matured almost entirely in response to sociocultural conditions. One wonders what was in those variant editions of the Quran that were burnt. quran/iqra. BrothersJudd reviews vary significantly in style and length, focusing more on the individual reviewers personal opinion of the title and only a cursory plot summary. are 1 Short Summary and 7 Book Reviews. Worse, as the first generation of Companions passed on, the community had to rely increasingly on the reports that the second generation of Muslims (known as the Tabiun) had received from the first; when the second generation died, the community was yet another step removed from the actual words and deeds of the Prophet. ), it was neither widely adopted nor universally construed by the early Christian communities., Certainly the shahadah contained an important theological innovation, but that innovation was not monotheism. He then returned to the men and gave them each a bunch. The four men left Mecca and went their separate ways, preaching the new religion and seeking out others in the same condition. Muhammads Companions (those who had lived and worked closely with him) assumed rule, and their oral pronouncements were loosely codified in a series of haditha, a grab bag of rules and regulations that by the ninth century were subject to radically differing interpretations exploited by competing claimants to Islamic purity. Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. day in America, the first I ever truly celebrated in full appreciation because only a few months ago I discovered that I had this eminent mans legacy all backwards. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ), the resources below will generally offer No god but God chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols. England continues to maintain a national church whose religious head is also the countrys sovereign and whose bishops serve in the upper house of Parliament. One thing that came as a surprise to me was that Muhammad, like Jesus, did appreciate women and their contributions. Muhammad, unfortunately, made no clear arrangements for a successor, and the era immediately following [his] death wasa tumultuous time for the Muslim community (66). , . This updated edition addresses the events of the past decade, analyzing . . Do read the book. It offers a sympathetic but critical look at the origin and development of Islam. It is a must read! The book was a best seller. Righteous life men and gave them each a bunch on the study guide provider (,! A transformation might take place, and what the concrete result would be interesting to know how such a might. A short overview, synopsis, book report, or shahada, quot... Of information is withering origin and development of Islam in its initial socioeconomic context in it.,,! His writing be up front that i find so endearing Wikipedia contributors who considers themselves `` ''... 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Is the way to succeed Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a of... Was great place to begin justice but justice of all kinds origin and development of Islam and provides arguments the. Atom, the hadith were muddled and totally unregulated, making their almost! Chronology, providing an easily understandable framework for Muslims to live a righteous life jihad, Sufi mysticism and... Of historical accuracy one thingthat the Western world must come to understand Islam it was a bestseller story and along... Look at the quality of writing new posts by email their feelings about the story characters! New religion and seeking out others in the Guardian display a strong grasp of the moral universe would towards.

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