You can download all of these pre-made Notion templates here and follow along! Setting up a Notion portfolio is a lot of work. Knowledge of frontend programming languages (CSS, HTML, JS). As far as I know, there is no free, simple option for using your custom domain to forward to your Notion page. Howard M. Cohen has written for considerably more publications than the average journalist. Ive also made a v2.0 which Im going to share here, including a Notion template that you can copy. I use this I use something else What is Notion Portfolio? Duplicate it, play around or just follow the format I have provided. The downside: The result is a static document, so its not interactive, it doesnt live online and it can be hard to share over email. Plus Notion has a webpage and app easily accessible on a smartphone! Disable "Allow Duplicate as template" if you don't want anyone using your structure. I'm building my personal website in Notion (note that it is indeed still in progress). That being said, if you want to stand out especially as a visual designer, I would consider something that enables you to show off your visual design skills. This takes a little bit of planning, but it's worth it to create a "moment" around your launch. I have found that Notion works for me as I treat it like a glorified CV, I barely have time at all because I'm busy solving problems, But have a look here Notion Habit Tracker Templates. This productivity tool essentially lets you create documents and collaborate with your team. You're right that there are a lot of other indicators that are more important: If you can nail these and it's all based in Notion, great. What you want to add and how much detailed you want it to be, totally depends on you. You can customize the page icon/avatar by clicking on it to bring up the selection menu. Images can be clicked for a full-size view and text can be enlarged and not pixelated. To create my grid of case studies, I've used the 'Gallery Inline' block. Heres a breakdown of how to make a professional-looking & appealing portfolio using our very own favorite productivity software. For example, dragging content across a page would show the blue bar, as seen in this gif. Create a website from Notion using Super. Needless to say, this plus Authory's consistently effective content importing and backup capabilities, sealed the deal for me. All you have to do is paste the link to your media or program page and voila! Select Properties from the dropdown. Its different for everyone, some of us are coming from a non-design background and dont have a lot of real projects or experience under our belts and so we need to take an approach of leveraging and framing the skills and traits that we do have as it relates to UI/UX. 7. For my example, I wanted Company, Designer, Tags and Timeline properties to be displayed. Click on the new site button and start playing around with everything that Super has to offer. So without further adieu, here are reasons why I loved using Notion to build my UX portfolio and some obstacles I encountered that required workarounds. Tables, lists, toggles, markdown text, code, and more are examples of the available formats on Notion. 95+% of your portfolio is ready. For writers like me, setting up a portfolio also requires an inordinate amount of work I don't have to do when using Authory. Notion provides various structures and formats to present content. When your portfolio is shared on social media, this first image found on the page becomes the SEO image representing your site. I just really like Supers offerings and want more people to discover them. Open any empty Gallery page, click + Add a property and add these Property type into each slot: By default, the uploaded preview image, project title or description wont show up in the Gallery unless you customize the display. It also helped that how extremely efficient I was on this program thanks to its low processing times and simple UX. You now have a customizable portfolio on Notion. I was shocked. One example is, which provides both free and paid features for visual design and SEO. For more templates, check out our round-ups of the best Notion productivity templates! Getting started Start a new workspace in Notion Create a database by choosing "Table" option Start editing your Table, just like Excel or Google Sheets 3. Share your launch in the Notion communities you belong to. Multiple, low-effort options for customization to make your portfolio visually appealing and easy to navigate. UX Planet is a one-stop resource for everything related to user experience. Notion is an all-in-one workspace application that provides components such as databases, kanban boards, wikis, calendars, and reminders. Maybe you're focusing on mobile design and want to show more prototypes -- or maybe you have a ton of video case studies and want to create a portal to show them all. Creating portfolio made simple for Trusted by 20000+ Generalists. No matter your . Well youre at the right place. You can still have a custom homepage thats built with Webflow (or alternatives) and host case studies on Notion. If you know me from Twitter, you might have seen the prototype below: Funnily enough, I came across Notion tool about a week ago. Check out the pros, cons, and a Notion alternative you might like. PDF and HTML are some of the multiple formats to export pages in. Before I end, heres what my portfolio ladder has looked like since 2011. Notion can play a role in managing projects too. Next, you can add in your introductory content. Finding it hard to finish your UI/UX or product design portfolio? I have checked settings and set all my notion page to be in light mode. What is the desktop usage versus mobile usage? I even had extra time to write a blog post about building it! The home page of the website has three sections The introductory section, the Works section, and the contact section. I use pages to show my client projects. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, or Website. Building a portfolio either on Notion or on a website platform like Squarespace or Webflow is equally challenging initially. And when I say live, I really mean live. Don't listen to anyone who says you need a portfolio in any specific format. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/UXDesign. You can hold that clap button for a few seconds to give a maximum of 50 Claps. If you have published your case study on Medium, you might want to redirect the viewers to that page instead of showing the case study in the Notionfolio. You'll get access to a set of existing templates by default. Notion has a designer portfolio template now thatll help drive my point. You basically have to name/structure/copy-paste/write/add everything you need for your portfolio to look good and do its job (getting you paid work consistently). If youve read this far, I have made a free Notion portfolio template for you guys to get started with instantly. Well, the section name says it all! The link here includes a Notion template for you to download. Anything you publish on the same site will also be imported automatically. Its UI is predictable and reliable. You can create your individual case study pages by clicking on a card and then clicking on the 'Open as a Page' link at the top left to expand the page. As is customary, I've started out with an image, that I designed myself in Sketch, and an introductory blurb about me. A portfolio is a chance to sell yourself and demonstrate what you're capable of. This all took a lot of creativity, but I was able to distinguish different types of content and utilize a visual hierarchy. With these customization abilities, it can be a drag to constantly save your work. Move the Group order by Click + Drag the icon, Double click to add more information about the Page (or card), Delete any Property you created by accident. Not only is the UI/UX great for documenters but it is a pleasure for all kinds of viewers as well. Notion also has features like a table of contents, breadcrumbs, call-outs, and colored text so that users can easily navigate content and not get lost. Copyright 2022 DesignerUp. Dissecting a portfolio Last few months I have noticed that whenever I open my portfolio link in incognito mode it opens in dark mode. Blog post, Book, Highlight, Social), duplicate the previous content or repeat Step 5, 6 and 7. I think a portfolio can standout if you have the time to make it so. So, let's move on to the actual process of creating a portfolio on Notion. 10 sec More than just a design portfolio website builder Download our entire 1-click Notion Portfolio Template pack here! Which goes on to my next point. Let your subscribers know about your new content. The great thing about the Toggle List is that you can also add other blocks to it. Get automated backups of all content you create. Having specific portfolio or case studies instances that align with the roles you are applying for is far more effective than having a one, single very generalized one. Prototyping, UX Design, Front-end Development and Beyond | Write for us, Product Designer who narrates stories. Last year, I created a Notion portfolio tracker to track all my work, so that I can easily share resources with others. Collaborating on Notion is a piece of cake. This is essential for a UX designer portfolio because there are so many designs on various programs that we have to showcase! As a product builder, I built micro tools to solve my own problems. Thaisa . This content and project management tool is a favorite among writers and managers, but it has yet to gain much traction as a portfolio builder. Some of these limitations can be overcomed by using 3rd party applications. I realized it could solve my problem without me building it. All of this is possible without waiting for things to load or lag when dragging chunks of information. Get a custom domain and personalize your portfolio even further. So more pros than cons, right? So if you're interested in really mastering your UX/UI craft and building your case studies with an original product idea check out our Product Design Course. Why not just get started with Authory for free and see for yourself what works for you? Google "Notion portfolio," and you'll see what I mean. Well, except the pigeon, Notion doesn't do pigeonsyet. Though.. Use the content you create to turbocharge your personal brand. You can click on the icon on the left to bring up the emoticon menu in order to change it or upload your own. Now is a good time to put your site on Super a no-code website builder for Notion. 2. Once you enter a source, Authory won't just import your existing content. Notion is a powerful tool that literally combines Evernote, Airtable, Trello & Google Calendar. Theres the trusted cmd+Z and your work goes back to its previous state (wait for it) immediately! Two months ago, I had this problem of tracking all my work and sharing them easily with others. Who are my audience (location, technology and language). Its a hassle to open and close modals to indicate you want to save your work, or even Yes, I DO want to discard these changes! Design should be simple, and thats what Notion is. I know the majority of folks Id be up against typically use Webflow and Squarespace. Join my content verse or slide into my DMs on LinkedIn, Twitter, Figma, Dribbble, and Substack. Comment your thoughts and feedback, or start a conversation! Alternatively, you can also book a design mentorship session by sending a request on RookieUp. To make your Notion portfolio public, go the Share button setting at the top right corner: Built 11+ MVPs. It has a lot of built-in patterns and templates. See what features youre missing out on! As for accessibility for visual content, Notion has the power to create predictable layouts, snaps media when resizing, and offers a full- or narrow-width layout. Click on it and enable "Share to Web." That is because when you are first laying the foundation of your portfolio, the main focus should always be on the content, structuring, and collating all of your artifacts into a tightly bound document format. Go to Notion and sign up for a free account. The links and CTA ideally should stay around the footer part of your site but I have seen many position them a bit ahead. Thoughts on Using Notion for Portfolio. Notion Goals Templates. A bunch of these will just be a single word, but the rest will come up to be sentenced. It's even crawlable by search engines. How to create a Notion portfolio + Pros & Cons Get a self-updating portfolio page. There is a paid plan, but it isnt required to create your portfolio website. Having pages that you can easily duplicate makes this super simple to do! to show/hide in your workspace. I can drag and drop blocks of text or media within milliseconds. By creating new pages and linking them back to a single page (or multiple pages), you can create wireframes and complex structures for your portfolio website. By Prototion User $9 career job Job Hacking OS Notion Template to prepare, track, and optimize all your job search!. I'd definitely look twice if an applicant for a job I was hiring for sent in a Neocities link! But you'll be called second after the candidate who went the extra mile and designed a professional-looking portfolio site that demonstrates they care about the end result. Go to your Home Page. The same can be done for the text blocks to create 2 column paragraphs, just write your text as you normally would and then drag and drop it into place. They contain . Notion is a great tool for planning, collaboration, and organization. 10. After all the fancy configuration, now its time to share my Portfolio Tracker. Im new to UX as well and its very discouraging to hear people on here be so close minded. Maybe a compromise to come off as more professional is having your own domain and redirecting it to your Notion space? Use the 6 vertical dot icon to drag them over into columns if you choose. In the Portfolio Tracker v1.0 that I made back in 2019, my goal was to: Since then, Ive received shout-outs from people who built their portfolio using my Notion template: FGC Leader, Alex Naka & Kauress. If the content of your portfolio is so unique that it stands out on its own, I think most people will look past that it's organized in Notion. Product advisor US/APAC About me:, Create a database by choosing Board option (out of Table, List, Calendar, Gallery). Nothing! Give them a heads up as soon as your product is live. Dont believe me? You can either upload your own, paste a link from the web or my personal favorite select something from Unplash; a royalty free image repository. I'm also not a UX designer by trade. Just an FYI if you did a Google boot camp, Webflow gives you a free CMS account for a year . Ultimately I moved her photo to a subpage to solve for this and LinkedIn eventually caught on to this. But it felt demoralizing to spend money when I needed a job in a world that underestimates design and creativity. Founder: Analyzing Consumer Tech & Platforms. GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer; this indicates it is a large . Its great for things like note-taking, daily journaling, documentation, and even habit tracking! Notion is a free platform for. There are templates for HR departments, remote workers, engineers, students, and more. Though Notion has templates that can mimic the appearance of a portfolio, it doesn't come with the functions you need specifically for a portfolio. You can embed third-party content like images, videos, Figma prototypes, code blocks, etc., with a click the "text block" concept in Notion is especially useful in this regard. Photos are automatically clickable to see full size. Design the best cover possible. If you can achieve that through Notion, go for it. There's 6-time Emmy award winner David Pogue, Steven Levy, Editor at Large, WIRED, and Brian Fung, a Technology Reporter at CNN, to name a very few. Here are some limitations that can help you decide if you want to commit to this process. Authory, the portfolio-building tool I eventually chose, did precisely that. This limited feature might seem too bland for some UX designers who want to treat their portfolio as a case study or add lots of personality* to their page. You get a lot of templates and in-built elements that let you sit back, relax and focus on the big stuff structure, content, and story. T he latest craze among the product & design community is building and launching quick and crisp portfolios constructed on top of Notion. Prototyping, UX Design, Front-end Development and Beyond | Write for us, Built 11+ MVPs. UX Planet is a one-stop resource for everything related to user experience. It gets harder to fit into the v1.0. Users with ZERO experience in coding or configuring tools like Webflow and framer can set up a Notion page pretty quickly . You can even embed information from other Notion pages. Let your creativity take over. And for me Notion SCREAMS the latter. Notion has already narrowed down the options to extremely legible typefaces. You can create folders and sub-folders and store documentation in hierarchical systems. Do these portfolios look to you like they got built on Notion? So, it's not a great option if you want to generate a unique visual experience with your portfolio. Notion is a free platform for personal use that allows for unlimited pages and blocks, and can be synced across devices. Notion-based portfolios can be great substitutes for UX Researchers, Content Designers/Writers, Product Managers, or Data/Product Analysts. Now imagine shaping your portfolio from scratch by creating pages and sub-pages, linking sub-pages to the home page, managing visual appeal with limited design options, and manually updating everything as and when required. Remember, even more important than the layout or the format you choose to use for your portfolio is the content. Would it be crazy to do it on a note-taking tool? As with every website template, there are pros and cons due to features, layouts, and technical ability. Let's set it up together so you can use this the next time you want to send a potential client your work + info on who you are and. an interviewer to set a job interview ? Adjust the section size. Trying to overcome caffeine addiction. By using a visually striking template like Smart Portfolio, you'll make a strong, positive impression. : Section title & description (on the left), Display of portfolio content list (on the right), Add a Divider to separate this section from Bio & profile, Add a title text Launched using Heading 1 (it will show up in Table of Content), Drag and move this Gallery right next to the Launched section, Toggle on for: Name Description Link, Copy link (use this link to share your portfolio with others). But there are a few reasons why as a product designer, you should dodge this fad. So, no need to whack your brains by obsessing over small visual design details. Both keyboard- and mouse-friendly users can switch between text formats easily. This is a concern if you're trying to showcase ghostwritten content to potential employers. Authory will AUTOMATICALLY import a copy of every bylined piece from every site youve published, into its own database. Create accountability when you document publicly about the things you launch (make sure you really do the work, no excuse). Videos arent that helpful for showcasing illustrations or UIs for me, but you can build a showreel or a prototype of your designs for better presentation. Users can embed third-party content like links, Figma prototypes, and videos. Does anyone know if you own your domain can you unlink it from Squarespace and use it with a different website builder? Some may complain that Notion has limited options for UI customization. Once dropped, you can hover in between the two columns and slide left or right to adjust the spacing. When sharing your portfolio, just send across the Home Page, which carries links to all other pages. Notion does not offer the visual options provided by tools like Squarespace or Carbonmade. Go to Notion and create a free account. I think you should always own your digital presence but I understand the pull of Notion. In this article, I'll take you through the steps involved in building a Notion portfolio (which is usually a conglomeration of Notion pages). As my work expands, it started to grow into a resource directory. More importantly, its rare to find a template that is unique, suits their personality, and is viewer-friendly. Add or remove stuff here, use words carefully and try to subtly use emojis to give a friendly vibe as well. Basic Notion Website Template Pack. Ive heard of hiring managers advising job seekers to not use generic templates. Its possible to link visitors to blocks of text or images (aka anchor links). Step 2 Paste the page's link in Super Set "Share to web" on and paste the Notion Share URL in Super when creating a new site. Learn how your content performs on social media. If youre reading this, I assume you are searching for a free alternative to paid portfolio sites like Squarespace, Semplice or even Webflow. Notion is a content management system used mainly by folks who want to organize aspects of their lives. For a tool to be accessible, it must account for diverse audiences. , Hurray! And because all of them are hosted in Notion, applying one of these templates can be done in just a few steps. Thats why finding a solution for how to present and protect his work has been vital for him. Before beginning, we need to set up the workspace. When I was done building my website, I was so glad I did it that I wrote about it. Just kidding, Im using default day mode all the time LOL. To me, this demonstrates you lack the experience, capability, or comfort with the design process through the planning, execution, and delivery. Website doesnt have to be website. Option 1: Traditionally, you can self-host your portfolio on a CMS like WordPress, Squarespace or Ghost: The upside: You will have your very own, professional website with custom URL to link to when submitting your design portfolio and perhaps for use on printed materials like business cards. Insert the 'Divider' block to insert this separating line. This is where you have detailed case studies of your selected works. Edit: after reading through some of these responses I just want to remind people that OP is just starting out. Once you've chosen the template and name, mark your page as "full-width." There are no animations, no flashy cursors, or cumbersome parallax that may not load successfully. Notion is effectively a CMS (content management system) with ability to instantly turn any pages into sharable web pages. This is the most important part of any design portfolio that I see stays missing in most Notion portfolios. Another vote for super here. Not sure if you should make a website, a pdf, a slideshow or send via courier pigeon? Theres a long list of tools today where you can build your following portfolio, but here are my top picks , Some tutorials and success stories of people building on Notion. But I saw the eye-catching ability of Notion and wanted to use a platform representing my values. If it works it works, and being a little different can help you stand out from the pack. Oh, and if you enjoyed playing with legos as a kid, you might find this interesting r/UXDesign is aimed at practicing UX professionals. This is the place where you list out your project and work. Its a tool with abundant options but limited customization. The downside: There is a lot of technical setup (and potential monetary cost) involved in building, hosting and deploying your site and without prior experience, the learning curve may be high and delay you in actually completing your website. Personal Portfolio built with Notion and Fruition Hi there, I'm a Multidisciplinary designer focusing on crafting user-centered digital experiences across Web and Mobile. Their layouts are completely responsive. It still took me a couple of days to set up, mainly because I had to find and paste my articles. As a product person, I am also one of those creators, makers or builders who are constantly launching things. If you are still not ready to shell out money for portfolio hosting because you seldom update your website, try migrating your Notion-based portfolio to Google Sites as the first step. Whats a digital portfolio without a URL? If you have the URL of the site where they exist, and the site is active, Authory will collate all your content for you. It was minimal compared to the time I had previously spent on standard website-building platforms. The lack of these features made the choice between Notion and Authory fairly easy. The feedback is just a joy to see. Customization is limited if you want complete control over your portfolio's appearance. Now, to flip the script (because I'm digging the more positive vibe and I'm not trying to rain on that): If you are applying for a UX or research role that specifically will never ship design deliverables or be embedded into a product design process, it's far less important to demonstrate a polished end result (I'd caution this approach: most smaller companies don't specialize to this level, and even in larger and more mature companies you want UX designers/researchers who understand and have experience with the entire design process, even if it's not their day-to-day), If you are applying for a role at a company that you know uses Notion already, I think there could be a really cool opportunity to build a cover letter/portfolio entirely within Notion, and perhaps use some of its innovative features with linking, databases, etc. You might want to use a table view or timeline view, but they dont show your thumbnails which is your selling point. To change the hero image, hover over the top of the page to bring up the context menu that allows you to choose an image. Hi there Im Sharanya a freelance UI/UX designer writing about design here. Lets start building. Quick solution - It's great for beginners or anyone that doesnt want to get invest the time, money or effort into the technical stuff and just wants to focus on the content and getting their work out there. If youre interested in designing a full case study like the ones shown here and getting 1:1 mentorship custom crafting your UI/UX portfolio, have a look at our Product Design Master Course. I appreciated the widespread capabilities of this tool, but I needed something else to fit my requirements. The only thing that will become your saving grace . Authory's biggest and most irreplaceable feature is the fact that it will find all your published, bylined work on the internet AUTOMATICALLY. Also, dont worry if you made edits that you now regret. This section showcases all of your selected works. Present your work as a list, a grid, or a gallery with previews. Yes, thats what does to your Notion-based websites. Go to icon near the top right New button of the Gallery. You can actually create your portfolio and case study pages and publish them directly to the web like you would any other webpage! I created a rudimentary portfolio within a single page that I didn't take live. It would help you stand out above a very dry looking notion feed. . Building Your FREE Portfolio Website Using Notion. I personally wouldn't consider this the "end result", though, and would still strive to build a full portfolio as I'm starting my job hunt. Notion has a huge gallery of pre-built pages you can use. Create A Design Portfolio Website In Notion Ever thought of having a portfolio under your name's domain? is powerful in a sense that, each Page (or card) can embed extensive resources like: Im not sure if youre a real tech person if you dont like dark mode? This is unfortunate because a site with a trailing is not as sophisticated as or Even more unfortunate is that I actually do own a domain name but the process to link it to Notion is complicated and can be costly. Im creating my UX portfolio on Notion based on the free cost and endless amount of functionality and ease. [#1] An aesthetically pleasing design creates a positive response in peoples brains and leads them to believe the design actually works better. Ability to create a custom domain with a click. The most complete, on-demand video course to help you learn product (UX/UI) design and become a more skillful and mindful designer. 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